Programming Patterns & Languages

Promises in Python

What makes JavaScript Promises so powerful, and how can we replicate their magic in Python? Follow this journey from JavaScript’s then and catch to Python’s asyncio, and uncover the pros, cons, and alternative approaches along the way.

What Are Promises? #

In JavaScript, Promises are objects that represent the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. They provide a powerful way to manage asynchronous code, enabling developers to write cleaner and more maintainable logic.

Promises allow us to associate handlers for both the success and failure of an asynchronous operation. By treating asynchronous code similarly to synchronous code, they reduce the complexity and improve the readability of workflows that would otherwise be riddled with convoluted callbacks—commonly referred to as “callback hell.”

With Promises, you can chain operations seamlessly using .then for successful resolution and .catch for error handling. Here’s an example in JavaScript:

  .then((value) => `${value} and bar`)
  .then((value) => `${value} and bar again`)
  .then((value) => `${value} and again`)
  .then((value) => {
  .catch((err) => {

In this example, the chain begins with myPromise. If myPromise resolves to the string “Timon”, the output on the console would be: Timon and bar and bar again and again.

Promises simplify the orchestration of sequential and dependent asynchronous operations, making them an essential feature for modern JavaScript development.

Breaking Down a Promise #

A Promise operates as a container for an asynchronous operation and its eventual result. To understand how Promises work, we can break them into two main parts:

  1. The Executor Function: This is the method that performs the main asynchronous operation. It takes two callbacks: resolve, which is invoked on success, and reject, which is invoked on failure.
  2. Callback Handlers: Promises allow chaining of operations with two categories of callbacks: Resolve Callbacks (then): These are executed after the main asynchronous operation completes successfully. Reject Callbacks (catch): These handle errors or failures in the asynchronous operation.

Promises make it possible to execute a series of asynchronous steps in sequence or handle errors gracefully, all while maintaining cleaner, more readable code.

A Python Implementation of Promises #

Let’s look at a small implementation of Promises in Python using asyncio:

import asyncio

class Promise:
    def __init__(self, executor):
        self._then_callbacks = []
        self._catch_callbacks = []

        async def _exec():
                await executor(self._resolve, self._reject)
            except Exception as e:
                await self._reject(e)


    async def _resolve(self, value):
        for callback in self._then_callbacks:
                await self._handle_callback(callback, value)
            except Exception as e:
                await self._reject(e)

    async def _reject(self, error):
        for callback in self._catch_callbacks:
                await self._handle_callback(callback, error)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error in reject callback: {e}")

    async def _handle_callback(self, callback, value):
        return await callback(value)

    def then(self, callback):
        return self

    def catch(self, callback):
        return self

Key Features of This Implementation:

  1. Executor Function: The executor is passed to the Promise constructor and is expected to perform an asynchronous operation. It calls self._resolve on success and self._reject on failure.
  2. Chaining with then and catch: Both methods append callbacks to their respective lists and return self, enabling method chaining similar to JavaScript Promises.
  3. Error Handling: Any exception raised during the execution or callbacks is passed to the reject chain for graceful error handling.

This implementation mirrors the behavior of JavaScript Promises in Python using asyncio, providing a clean and intuitive way to handle asynchronous workflows.

A Working Example with Promises #

In the previous section, we explored a Python implementation of Promises. Now, let’s see it in action with a real-world example. We’ll perform an asynchronous operation to fetch a post from The fetching logic will be wrapped within the Promise executor, and we’ll attach then (resolve) and catch (reject) handlers to manage success and failure scenarios.

import aiohttp

def fetch_post(post_id: int):
    async def executor(resolve, reject):
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                url = f"{post_id}"
                async with session.get(url) as response:
                    if response.status == 200:
                        data = await response.json()
                        await resolve(data)
                        await reject(f"HTTP Error: {response.status}")
            except Exception as e:
                await reject(e)

    return Promise(executor)

async def main():
    done = asyncio.Future()

    async def handle_result(post):
        print(f"Post title: {post['title']}")
        print(f"Post body: {post['body']}")

    async def handle_error(error):
        print(f"Got error: {error}")

    # Test success case with post id 1
    promise = fetch_post(1)
    await done

    # Reset future for error case
    done = asyncio.Future()

    # Test error case with invalid post id
    promise = fetch_post(999999)  # Non-existent post
    await done

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation #

  1. The fetch_post Function: This function creates a Promise that fetches a post from the API endpoint. On a successful response (status == 200), it calls the resolve function with the fetched data. On failure, such as an HTTP error or network issue, it calls the reject function with an error message.
  2. The main Coroutine: It tests both success and failure cases using two Promise instances. then is used to process the result when the Promise resolves successfully, and catch handles errors gracefully.
  3. Testing Success and Failure Scenarios: In the success case, fetching a valid post (e.g., post_id=1) prints the post title and body. In the failure case, attempting to fetch a non-existent post (e.g., post_id=999999) triggers the error handler and prints an error message. 4.Chaining with then and catch: The Promise implementation supports chaining, enabling a clean and readable flow for asynchronous tasks.

Alternative Pythonic Way of Completing the Task #

While implementing a Promise system in Python is an interesting exercise, it’s worth noting that Python has built-in support for asynchronous programming with async/await. Using coroutines and asyncio utilities is the more Pythonic approach and avoids reinventing the wheel.

Let’s revisit the same task of fetching posts from, but this time using Python’s native async programming idioms:

import asyncio
import aiohttp

POSTS = ""

async def fetch_post_title(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, id: int):
        async with session.get(f"{POSTS}/{id}") as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                data = await response.json()
                return data
                raise ValueError(f"HTTP Error: {response.status}")
    except Exception as e:
        # This is like the "catch" part of our Promise
        print(f"Error fetching post {id}: {str(e)}")
        return None

async def process_post(post):
    # This is like our "then" callback
    if post:
        print(f"Title: {post['title']}")
        print(f"Body: {post['body']}")
    return post

async def main(num_posts=10):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        # Create tasks for fetching posts
        fetch_tasks = [fetch_post_title(session, i) for i in range(1, num_posts + 1)]

        # Fetch all posts
        posts = await asyncio.gather(*fetch_tasks, return_exceptions=True)

        # Process posts (equivalent to our "then" chain)
        process_tasks = [process_post(post) for post in posts if post is not None]
        await asyncio.gather(*process_tasks)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation #

  1. Direct Coroutines:
    • fetch_post_title fetches a post asynchronously, raising an exception if the request fails. This is functionally similar to the Promise executor.
  2. Error Handling:
    • Errors are caught within fetch_post_title using a try-except block, much like the catch handler in the Promise implementation.
  3. Processing Results:
    • The process_post coroutine handles the fetched post data, mirroring the then chain functionality.
  4. Concurrent Execution:
    • The asyncio.gather function is used to execute fetch and process tasks concurrently, avoiding the need for manual chaining or custom Promise logic.
  5. Comparison with Promises:
    • This approach directly leverages Python’s async programming model, resulting in less boilerplate and a cleaner, more idiomatic codebase.
    • Instead of chaining methods (then, catch), coroutines are structured as discrete steps, making the control flow explicit.

A Note on Alternatives: ThreadPoolExecutor vs. aiohttp #

While this post focuses on implementing Promises in Python and showcasing asynchronous programming with aiohttp, it’s worth noting that similar functionality can be achieved using ThreadPoolExecutor with the requests library.

The ThreadPoolExecutor approach is more familiar to Python developers who haven’t worked extensively with asyncio. However, it may not provide significant performance improvements over aiohttp for handling many HTTP requests due to thread overhead. Here’s an example:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import requests

POSTS = ""

def fetch_post(post_id: int):
        response = requests.get(f"{POSTS}/{post_id}")
        return response.json()
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error fetching post {id}: {str(e)}")
        return None

def process_post(post):
    if post:
        print(f"Title: {post['title']}")
        print(f"Body: {post['body']}")
    return post

def main(num_posts=10):
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        # Fetch posts concurrently
        post_ids = range(1, num_posts + 1)
        results = list(, post_ids))

        # Process posts (equivalent to our "then" chain)
        for post in results:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This alternative doesn’t rely on aiohttp or Python’s asyncio event loop, making it simpler to understand and implement. However, for high-concurrency tasks, aiohttp typically offers better performance by avoiding thread management overhead.